Socio- economic Analysis of Goat Keepers in Mathura District of Uttar Pradesh
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The study was conducted during 2018-19 in Chaumuahan Block of Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh purposively. Total 60 farmers were selected randomly to assess the socio-economic status of the goat farmers. These farmers were categorised into two groups on the basis of their mean. i.e., 10 one category containing flock size less than 10 (Flock Size-I) and second category containing flock size more than 10 [Flock Size-II] to make study comparative. The socio-economic factors Age, landholding size, educational level, family size, social class, Annual family income and size and composition of Goat flock included in study. Overall average age of goat keepers found 45 years and overall average land holding size was 1.17 hectare. It was observed that average 13.50 percent of total farmers were illiterate. About 88 percent farmers were literate, consisting 33 percent farmers were found educated up to 8th, 23 percent were educated up to 10th class and 22 percent were intermediate educated and 8 percent farmers were found graduate. Majority of the farmers were found educated up to 12 class, 69 percent goat keepers belonged to OBC category followed by 31pertcent from Scheduled Caste category. There was no goad keeper from general cast category. The average family size was 5.6 persons per family. Average annual income of the goat keepers was estimated to be Rs. 1,76,938.00 included crop production, animal husbandry and other business consisting Rs. 45312.00 from goat farming. The average flock size of goat was observed to be 11 in study area, Consisting average adult female(in milk) 3.50, Adult male(dry) 1.61, Adult male(Breeding buck) 1.2, Castrated male 1.86, Male kids(1-6 months) 1.29, Female kids(1-6 months) 1.44, Male kids(6-12 months) 1.24, Female kids(6-12 months) 1.24. The socio-economic factors like age, literacy, family size, annual income, land holding size were positively associated with goat farming.