Genetic Diversity in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Landraces of North East India
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The nature and magnitude of genetic divergence was assessed in 20 sesame genotypes of North East India. Based on the relative magnitude of D2 values, 20 genotypes were grouped into six clusters containing one to twelve genotypes. These clusters consisted of genotypes with different geographical origins indicating no correlation between genetic divergence and geographical divergence. The genotypes of Cluster VI showed maximum genetic divergence with Cluster V and cluster I. The genotypes belonging to cluster VI and cluster V may be selected for hybridization for generating genetic variability. Thus to generate desirable genetic variability the crossing between cluster VI and V genotypes would be useful. It is suggested that hybridization among the genotypes of above said clusters would produce segregants for more than one economic character which can serve as parents of hybrids. Number of capsules per plant followed by oil content, plant height and test weight contributed maximum towards divergence.
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How to Cite
Jamir, M., Changkija, S., & Chaturvedi, H. (2020). Genetic Diversity in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Landraces of North East India. Indian Research Journal of Genetics and Biotechnology, 12(02), 88-92. Retrieved from
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