Interactions Effects of Wheat Genotypes with Environments Elaborated by AMMI, BLUP and Non Parametric Measures for NWPZ

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Ajay Verma
Gyanendra Pratap Singh


Highly significant variations due to environments, GxE interactions, and genotypes were revealed AMMI analysis with respective percent share as 51.2, 23, 8.2%. Measures ASV1 and ASV measures considered 50.7% of the total variation selected G 13, G 9, G 2 genotypes. Utilizing 92.6% of GxE interactions effects MASV and MASV1measures identified G 10,G 8, G 6 genotypes. HMGV, RPGV and HMRPGV settled for G5, G16, G10 genotypes. NPi (s) non parametric composite measures observed suitability of G 1, G 5, G 2 as genotypes of choice for this zone. Biplot analysis of measures observed tight positive relationships among IPC5, IPC2, IPC4, IPC3 and NPi(2) with BLUP based measures RPGV, HMGV , HMRPGV, BLAvg, Mean. Clustering pattern of BLUP based measures seen with NPi(2). Measure IPC1 clustered with NPi(3), NPi(4), BLStd, BLCV. Adjacent cluster consisted of MASV,MASV1, Si1 Si2 Si3 Si4 Si7 non parametric measures. Correlation analysis seen weak relation of BLUP based measures with other measures whereas strong to moderate negative correlations with non parametric measures. Composite non parametric measures NPi(1) NPi(2) NPi(3), NPi(4) expressed mostly negative values for other measures.

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How to Cite
Verma, A., & Singh, G. P. (2024). Interactions Effects of Wheat Genotypes with Environments Elaborated by AMMI, BLUP and Non Parametric Measures for NWPZ. Indian Research Journal of Genetics and Biotechnology, 16(02), 3-8.