Performance of different varieties of Broccoli under agro-climatic conditions of Doda.

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Ravneet Kour


Broccoli is known as the “crown jewel of nutrition” because it is rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamins A, B1 and B2 and is a good source of potassium, iron and fiber. It contains Sulforaphane which block growth of tumour and reduce the risk of cancer. Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica L.) is a cool season cole crop from the family cruciferae. Cultivation of broccoli in our country is confined to a very limited area with a minimum production. A number of superior broccoli varieties have been released by different universities and ICAR Institutes but not much studies are available with respect to suitability of specific variety for a particular region. Keeping in view its nutritive value and less risk to failure due to biotic and abiotic factors, on farm trials were conducted in the district Doda of Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir on evaluation of five varieties viz. Palam Kanchan (T1), Pusa Broccoli KTS-1 (T2), Palam vachitra (T3), Palam Samridhi (T4) and Palam Haritika (T5). Palam Kanchan (T1) performed better than other varieties in respect of plant height (57.30 cm), number of leaves (23.39), plant spread (60.30 cm), head weight (438.68 g), head diameter(17.27 cm) and head yield (263.20 q/ha). However, minimum number of days taken to head initiation and first head harvesting were recorded in Pusa Broccoli KTS-1(T2). Therefore, Palam Kanchan (T1) emerged as superior over all other varieties in respect of growth and yield characters except late in maturity. As far earliness is concerned Pusa broccoli KTS-1 was found to be the best under sub temperate climatic conditions of district Doda.

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How to Cite
Kour, R. (2020). Performance of different varieties of Broccoli under agro-climatic conditions of Doda. Indian Research Journal of Genetics and Biotechnology, 12(02), 144-147. Retrieved from
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