Yield And Growth Of Sweetcorn (zea mays l. Saccharata) As Infulenced By Plant Geometry And Inm Practices

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Kour Jasvinder
Singh Akhand Pratap
Jasvinder Kour


An investigation was carried out to examine the effect of plant densities and Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) on growth and productivity of sweet corn during Winter season of 2016-17. The treatment consisting of three plant densities levels viz., C1 - 60 cm x 20 cm (83,333 Plants ha-1), C2 - 45 cm x 20 cm (1, 11,111 Plants ha-1), C3 - 45 cm X 30 cm (74,074 Plants ha-1) and seven levels of INM practices viz., T1-100% RDF (120N, 60 P2O, 60K2O)- Control, T2- 50% RDF NPK + Vermicompost, T3- 75% RDF NPK + Vermicompost, T4- 50% RDF NPK +FYM, T5-75% RDF NPK + FYM, T6-50% RDF NPK + Azospirillum 5kg ha-1 and T7-75% RDF NPK + Azospirillum 7.5kg ha-1. The results indicated that plant densities of 45 cm x 30 cm exerted significantly higher growth and number of green cobs per hectare over rest of plant densities levels. Among the INM level 75% RDF+ Vermicompost recorded significantly higher growth and yield attributes, that resulted into higher number of green cobs per hectare.

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How to Cite
Jasvinder, K., Pratap, S., & Kour, J. (2020). Yield And Growth Of Sweetcorn (zea mays l. Saccharata) As Infulenced By Plant Geometry And Inm Practices. Indian Research Journal of Genetics and Biotechnology, 12(02), 107-111. Retrieved from https://irjgbt.in/index.php/IRJGBT/article/view/506
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