1Identification Of Drought-Inducible Promoter Elements In Chickpea (cicer arietinum L.)

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Prasanth Tej Kumar Jagannadham
Viswanathan Satheesh
Parameswaran Chidambaranathan
Deshika Kohli
Pradeep Kumar Jain
Ramamurthy Srinivasan


Drought is one of the most common environmental stresses that affect the growth and development of plants. Thus, developing drought-resistance crop-plants with enhanced productivity and improved water-use efficiency is the most promising solution for alleviating future threats to food security. The aim of this study was to identify the promoter elements which were drought responsive as well as up-regulated under drought conditions. In this we have taken SSH libraries data of drought analysis. The ESTs taken downloaded from NCBI were processed through CAP3 assembly leading to the consensus sequences. The duplicates from the consensus were removed using CD-HIT EST. The consensus sequences were used as the query and total proteins of the chickpea genome sequenced by ICRISAT was used as database. The unique sequences were used for the isolation of the promoter sequences. The promoter analysis was done using the genomatix software suite. In genomatix software suite Model Inspector was used to Search for promoter modules. We based our conclusion on the percentage of actual motifs passing through various filtering steps in comparison to random controls and found no significant percentage differences. Furthermore, even for motifs without general orientational preference across all its instances, individual genes and their regulation via promoter elements may very well depend on the correct orientation of such a motif as it may be possible that genespecific additional factors impose constraints on the orientation of a motif in a particular genomic context that are not evident when probing for genome-wide preferences.

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How to Cite
Jagannadham, P., Satheesh, V., Chidambaranathan, P., Kohli, D., Jain, P., & Srinivasan, R. (2017). 1Identification Of Drought-Inducible Promoter Elements In Chickpea (cicer arietinum L.). Indian Research Journal of Genetics and Biotechnology, 9(03), 342 -. Retrieved from https://irjgbt.in/index.php/IRJGBT/article/view/364
Review Article