Allometric relationship of shortneck clam Paphia malabarica (Chemnitz, 1782) along Aare-Ware rocky shore of Ratnagiri, Maharashtra

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P. K. Pakhmode
S. A. Mohite
S. D. Naik
R. A. Pawar
A. D. Adsul


Studies on length-weight and other allometric relationships of shortneck clam, Paphia malabarica were carried out in samples ranging between size 5-50 mm. Clams were collected fortnightly during May 2014 to April 2016 from Aare-Ware rocky shore of Ratnagiri coast, Maharashtra. Length -total weight relationship in males and females were significantly different (p less than 0.05). The rates of growth in all other relationship studied were significantly difference. In length-height, length -depth, length -total weight and length -wet weight relationship, it showed negative allometric growth. Negative allometry indicated that width and depth increase were inferior to length increase.

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How to Cite
Pakhmode, P., Mohite, S., Naik, S., Pawar, R., & Adsul, A. (2017). Allometric relationship of shortneck clam Paphia malabarica (Chemnitz, 1782) along Aare-Ware rocky shore of Ratnagiri, Maharashtra. Indian Research Journal of Genetics and Biotechnology, 9(01), 66-72. Retrieved from
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