Effect of Different Treatment on Production of Bajra Under On Farm Trial in Agra district
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The study production and economics of Bajra under On farm trial in Agra district conducted during kharif season was carried out at krishi vigyan Kendra Bichpuri, on the farmers field. 0FT are tool to find out the suitability of particular techniques for a region. This was consisting of (T-1, T-2 and T-3 ) three treatment, T-1 (farmers practices , 60kgN + 0 kg P+ 0 kg k /ha¹), T-2( recommend dose of fertilizer ,100kgN + 40 kg P+ 40 kg K /ha¹) and T-3 ( use of phosphorus soluble bacteria, half dose of phosphorus, full dose nitrogen and potash). The result showed that among these treatment T-1, T-2, and T-3. Performed the best in yield of bajra T-3 (2kg PSB culture /ha¹+20 kg P + 100kg N + 40 K kg/ha¹) and maintained superiorityhighest yield 21.00 q/ha and 20.5 q/ha compared to T-1 (farmer practices, 60kgN + 0 kg P+ 0 kg K /ha¹). The benefit cost Ratio (BCR) of first year T-1 and T-3 were 1.31:1 and 1.90:1 , second year T-1 and T-3 were 1.31:1 and 1.80: 1 respectively.
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How to Cite
Singh, S., & Singh, S. (2016). Effect of Different Treatment on Production of Bajra Under On Farm Trial in Agra district. Indian Research Journal of Genetics and Biotechnology, 8(03), 241-245. Retrieved from https://irjgbt.in/index.php/IRJGBT/article/view/317
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