Breeding for Aflatoxin Resistance in Maize – AReview
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Crowned with the rhetoric phrase “the queen of cereals” maize (Zea mays L.) is not only of worldwide valued as a food, feed and as a supply of diverse industrially vital products, but is also a model genetic organism with gigantic genetic diversity but the escalating problems resulting to death and diseases has been of a great concern aroused due to the contamination of maize grain by aflatoxin globally. Aflatoxin contamination in maize occurs above safe levels in many countries and even aflatoxin exposure at low levels can result in reasonable human health impacts to both humans and animals. Aflatoxin contamination in maize can affect the agricultural sector output, generally, along with each of the four pillars of food security (availability, access, utilization and stability), specifically. In recent past, a signiûcant research efforts are been put forth for generating resistant maize inbred lines along with identifying the resistance mechanisms. Here, we present before you the overall progress made for resistance towards Aflatoxin resistance in maize, both at conventional and non-conventional levels. We also propose few future directions, towards the healthy growth of maize. Joint venture research by the plant breeders, pathologists and biotechnologists will result in the reduction and may even discard the problem in a brief time period.
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How to Cite
Chaudhary, V., Bansode, R., & Kumar, S. (2015). Breeding for Aflatoxin Resistance in Maize – AReview. Indian Research Journal of Genetics and Biotechnology, 7(04), 462 -.
Review Article

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