Phototoxicityassesment of anthraquinone (PAHs) by using human skin cell line (HaCat)
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Abstract : Radiation source and exposure conditions,PAHs Solubility, Absorption spectra of drug, Photodegradation Study,Singlet oxygen generation,Superoxide anion redical,Show photochemical Generation of 1O2 by anthraquinone at different concentrations under ambient intensity of UV-A (0.01-1ppm) concentrations were taken for 102 generation. Maximum generation of 1O2 was studied under UV-A (1.2 mW/Cm2) at (1ppm) concentrations of anthraquinone. Rose Bengal (1ppm) was taken as positive control. Anthraquinone showed a concentration dependent generation of 1O2 . Photochemical Generation of 1O2 by anthraquinone (1 ppm) at different time intervals (30-120 mins.), under ambient UV-A (1.2 mW/cm2) intensity.Anthraquinone (1ppm) showed maximum generation of 1O2 at 120 mins. The generation of 1O2 by anthraquinone showed a time dependent phenomenonof1O2. Shows photochemical generation of O2 - by anthraquinone (0.01-0.5 ppm) concentrations under ambient environmental intensity of UV-A (1.2 mW/Cm2). Anthraquinone (0.5 ppm) showed maximum generation of O2 - upto 20 mins. O2 - generation was concentration dependent. Riboflavin (1 ppm) was taken as a positive control. Shows Photochemical generation of O2 - by anthraquinone (1ppm) at various time intervals (5-20 mins) under ambient intensity of UV-A (1.2 mW/cm2). Maximum generation of O2 - by anthraquinone (1ppm) was at 20 mins. O2 - generation by anthraquinone showed a time dependent phenomenon. Riboflavin (1 ppm) was taken as positive control which also showed a time dependent generation of O2 -.Shows Photochemical degradation of 2–Deoxyguanosine by anthraquinone (1ppm) from (1-4 hrs.) under UV-A (1.2mW/c m2). Maximum degradation of Guanine base by anthraquinone at 4 hrs.Degradation of 2-Deoxyguanosine by anthraquinone a time dependent phenomenon. To study the cell- viability of HaCat cell line in the presence of anthraquinone (0.05- 1 ppm), under exposure of UV-A (1.2 mW/cm2) for 60 mins. Chlorpomazine (5 ppm) was taken as positive control and L-histidine (50 ppm) was taken as a negative control. Anthraquinone (1ppm) reduced cell viability of HaCat cell line to 80% No reduction in cell viability was studied in dark at similar concentrations of anthraquinone.HaCat cell line treated with anthraquinone (1ppm) to study the morphological changes. No change in morphology was seen in dark, in contrast reduction in viability and distortion in shape was seen in HaCat cell line treated with anthraquinone (1ppm) under exposure of UV-A (1.2mW/cm2) for 60 mins. India is a tropical counting and outdoor activities are very much prevalent. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are formed through incomplete combustion by automobiles, factories, gasoline, forest fires etc.Anthracene a tribenzene derivative is photo unstable and in presence of UV-R gets modified in to anthraquinone through oxidation.Anthraquinonephototoxicity is generally through generation of ROS which leads to DNA damage and reduced in cell viability.Thus, this study suggest that PAHs contaminated areas are more prove to cause mutations and cancer through the photosenitization of PAHs in presence of sunlight and its dermal exposure to humans