Influence of breeds on goat milk composition under field and farm rearing conditions
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The results showed that all the factors investigated had significant (P LESS THAN 0.001) influence on the milk composition. In this study, laboratory and field experiments were conducted to estimate milk composition applied to two breeds (Jamunapari and Jakhrana) and to determine in the effect of different breeds on goat milk composition under field and farm rearing conditions. Total 1215 samples were analyzed for the analysis of field and farm rearing conditions.The Jakhrana does had the highest (1.0306±0.0004) specific gravity under farm rearing conditions followed by Jamunapari (1.0294±0.0004) farm conditions and lowest in Jamunapari (1.0286±0.0004) does under field rearing conditions and total solids was significantly (p LESS THAN 0.050) higher (13.15±0.030) in field rearing condition than farm rearing conditions in Jakhrana goat milk whereas in case of Jamunapari goat breed milk the total solids per cent was slightly higher(13.22±0.035) in field rearing condition than farm rearing conditions.The solids-not-fat percentage was significantly (p LESS THAN 0.01) much higher (8.58±0.053) in field rearing conditions either Jakhrana or Jamunapari goat breed than that of farm rearing conditions. It is due to higher fat percentage(4.69±0.044) and lower percentage of protein (3.19±0.034), lactose(4.42±0.012) and ash (0.76±0.007) in farm rearing conditions of Jakhrana as well as Jamunapari goat breeds.
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How to Cite
Singh, G., & Sharma, R. (2013). Influence of breeds on goat milk composition under field and farm
rearing conditions. Indian Research Journal of Genetics and Biotechnology, 5(04), 258-261. Retrieved from
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