Evaluation Of Front Line Demonstration On Pearl Millet

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S.K Singh¹
Sushil Kumar Singh
Vimal Pratap Pandey


Front line demonstration is the long-term extension activity for adoption of new agriculture technology is a crucial aspects under innovation diffusion process. FLDs is one of the most powerful tools for assessment and transfer of technology for enhancing productivity. The present study was to determine the Evaluation of different varieties of pearl millet under front line demonstration at farmer field. The results clearly indicate the effects of FLDs variety Pro agro 9180 provided more yield and additional income over the local check (farmer practices). The hybrid varieties of pearl millet Pro-Agro 9180 (2820 kg/ha), Hunkar S-362 (1805 kg/ha), ADV-954 (1800 kg/ha), Tata -7888 (1850 kg/ha) recorded higher yield over farmer practices (1600 kg/ha). The additional average grain yield of pearl millet varieties Proagro-9180, Hunkar- S-362, ADV-954, Tata -7888 were 76.25%, 12.81%, 12.25%,15.62 % over the local check. Adoption of hybrid variety Proagro-9180 under FLDs recorded B:C ratio 2.03:1 and provided net returns Rs 22420 higher than was other variety and local check . Front Line Demonstration under variety Proagro 9180 was more profitability compared to Hunkar S-362, ADV-954, Tata -7888 and local check. Benefit: cost ratio was recorded to be higher against farmer practices.

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How to Cite
Singh¹S., Singh, S., & Pandey, V. (2020). Evaluation Of Front Line Demonstration On Pearl Millet. Indian Research Journal of Genetics and Biotechnology, 12(02), 156-160. https://doi.org/.
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