Determinants of Perception on Sexual Relationships of Young Men and Women
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Present study entitled “Determinants of Perception on Sexual Relationships of Young Men and Women “was undertaken in Hyderabad and Secunderabad city. Perception on sexual relationship scale (PSRS) was developed by researcher to study gender differences in perception of romantic love. Along with PSRS, other scales such as Emotional Intelligence–Inventory, The ESS Human Values Scale, Gender stereotype scale, Rosenberg self-esteem scale, Family environment scale, Multidimensional students life satisfaction scale (MSLSS), Social Desirability Scales, were used to collect data from the sample. To shed light on the relative contribution of selected independent variables towards dependent variables “Perception on sexual relationships” of 21-30 year of males and females, step down analysis was carried out. Total 29 variables were entered initially for step down regression analysis namely marital status, age, gender, life satisfaction, marital enjoyment, marital stress, marital satisfaction, self-esteem, social desirability, family environment, cohesion, expressiveness, conflict, acceptance, security, conformity, tradition, benevolence, Universalism, self-direction stimulation, hedonism, achievement, power, overall emotional intelligence, emotional self-awareness, interpersonal relationship, intrapersonal relationship. Results indicated that stronger determinants of perception on sexual relationship for younger male respondents were universalism, achievement, conformity, self-esteem, social desirability, tradition, marital enjoyment, marital stress, family environment, cohesion, expressiveness, conflict, stimulation and power. 37 percent variation in the general perceptions of sexual relationships was accounted for by the above variables. For younger females stronger determinants of perception of sexual relationship where conformity, tradition, benevolence, Universalism, self-direction, stimulation, hedonism, achievement, power, overall emotional intelligence, emotional self-awareness, interpersonal relationship and conflict. 58 per cent variation in the general perceptions on sexual relationships was accounted for by the above variables.
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How to Cite
Pandey, A., & Mayuri, K. (2017). Determinants of Perception on Sexual Relationships of Young Men and Women. Indian Research Journal of Genetics and Biotechnology, 9(03), 454 -.
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