Love, Attachment, Romance and Dating in Indian culture

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In India very few studies are available on the human perception about “Love, Attachment, Romanceand Dating. Even though many of researchers have thrown the light on the importance of these relationships with its overall impact on life satisfaction achieved by the individual, his or her happiness and interpersonal relationships. The present study on “Love, Attachment, Romance and Dating and our increasing knowledge about the complex factors and its impact in others areas of individual can be put to valuable use. Hence research on this particular field is important. Present study entitled “Love, Attachment, Romanceand Dating in Indian culture” was undertaken to understand the Indian’s perception and understanding on these concepts and how their perceptions and understanding is different from western countries. For this purpose available literature on love, attachment, Romance and Dating from Newspapers, magazines, Research Paper and internet were analyzed and reviewed. While reviewing articles on Love, Romance and Dating it was found that very few studies are available in India on Love, romance and dating. Reviewer found difficulty in comparing Indian and Western people perception and understanding on Love, Romance and Dating. Present study suggests that there is an urgent need of such kind of study in India.

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How to Cite
PANDEY, A., & MAYURI, K. (2017). Love, Attachment, Romance and Dating in Indian culture. Indian Research Journal of Genetics and Biotechnology, 9(01), 162-166.
Review Article