Genetic Diversity for Yield and its component traits in Pearlmillet [Pennisetumglaucum(L.) R. Br.] Hybrids.
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Twenty six genotypes of pearl millet were studied for genetic divergence analysis utilizing Mahalanobis D 2 technique. The analysis of data revealed that significant difference was observed among the genotypes for all the traits. Based on the genetic distance (D2 value), the 26 genotypes were grouped into 8 clusters. Of the 8 clusters formed, cluster I and II were the largest with 7 genotypes in each followed by cluster III with 5 genotypes. Cluster IV and VIII had maximum inter cluster distance whereas minimum inter-cluster distance was present between clusters I and cluster VII. The intra-cluster distance was maximum in cluster III followed by cluster II and cluster IV.
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How to Cite
Kumar, M., Kumar, M., Gupta, P., & Soni, R. (2015). Genetic Diversity for Yield and its component traits in Pearlmillet [Pennisetumglaucum(L.) R. Br.] Hybrids. Indian Research Journal of Genetics and Biotechnology, 7(04), 471 -.
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