Effect of Germination on Nutritional and Organoleptic Properties ofMultigrain Dalia

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Gajendra Kumar Rana
M. A. Khan
Yogendra Singh


Germination of grains increases amount and quality of nutrient in the grains and incorporation of oat makes Dalia rich in dietary fiber which is valuable in recent because it is beneficial for heart patients. The present study investigated effects of germination on nutritional quality of the Wheat, Green gram and Oat grits. The Wheat and Green gram were procured from local market, while oat was procured from the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur. The samples were analyzed for nutritional and organoleptical properties by using standard methods. results revealed that, germinated Green gram and Oat blended Multigrain Dalia could be consider the best from both nutritional and point of view. The Multigrain Dalia at the ratio of 50:20:30 (T ) with Wheat + Oat + Green gram was good in terms of protein, crude fiber and minerals.The finding concluded that the employed processing methods, particularly germination, influenced the chemical composition of the germinated multigrain Dalia in terms of protein, fibre and mineral content and reduction of anti-nutrient composition.

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How to Cite
Rana, G., Khan, M., & Singh, Y. (2015). Effect of Germination on Nutritional and Organoleptic Properties ofMultigrain Dalia. Indian Research Journal of Genetics and Biotechnology, 7(04), 436 -. Retrieved from https://irjgbt.in/index.php/IRJGBT/article/view/270
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