Study of the Characterization of E. coli isolates in goat kids

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S. K. Rajput
K. Gururaj
Udita Tiwari
Gitam Singh


These samples were collected from less than one month old Jamunapari, Barbari, Jakharana, Sirohi kids during the period from March to June 2010. The isolates which were screened by biochemical tests were selected and subjected to amplification of the genomic DNA using Universal stress protein A gene for E. coli. The isolates were screened after the amplification of the 884 bp amplicon product, before subjecting it to characterization using bundle forming pilin protein A (bfpA) gene. For the biochemical characterization of E. coli, a sequence of biochemical test were performed including, indole test, Methyl Red (MR) test, Voges Proskauer (VP) test, citrate test, Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) test, catalase and oxidase test. The result suggested the presence of E. coli in the samples. In indole test presence of red ring showed the production of indole. MR-VP test results were found to be positive and negative respectively.In citrate test there was no change of colour of butt and slant. In TSI test bacteria fermented glucose, lactose and sucrose with acid production and change in colour of butt and slant from red to yellow, which was characteristic of E. coli. After screening these isolates by a series of biochemical tests, they were subjected to differentiation by using two genes by polymerase chain reaction. The first gene was ‘universal stress protein A’ by which, it confirms up to species level. Further the isolates were confirmed for enteropathogenicity by using ‘Bundle forming pilin’ gene.

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How to Cite
Rajput, S., Gururaj, K., Tiwari, U., & Singh, G. (2014). Study of the Characterization of E. coli isolates in goat kids. Indian Research Journal of Genetics and Biotechnology, 6(01), 324-329. Retrieved from
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